Auto-Flatten Font-based Icons to vector
Doug Gainous
It would be great if icons created using icon fonts such as Font Awesome could be identified and flattened to vector automatically. As it may be difficult to identify a font that is using glyphs instead of standard characters, a workaround could be allowing the user to select a font in the document to flatten.
Jinson Johny
Hi Doug, there a alternative workarround that works with Deck. You can mark the layer as an exportable layer. You can set the export format as 'PNG' or 'SVG' for Bitmap or Vector option. All layers marked as exportable layer are considered as Image.
I will consider auto exporting font awesome icons as images in the upcoming updates.
Doug Gainous
Jinson Johny: I think that is a reasonable solution. I just did not know it would convert if I marked them for export.
Wetteren Rémi
Jinson Johny: The export option is just exactly what we need for. You should definitively add it to the documentation :)